Forum Discussion

jm's avatar
Hustlin' Helper
2 years ago

Citi/Divvy Station Points Recalculation

Can someone please lock this information down.

When do the Citi/Divvy (if there is a difference) docking stations recalculate their Angels points?


The attached photo is from a blog a long while back and just serves as a reference point. But, what's the actual facts.

Thank you.

  • jenniferrp's avatar
    Bike Angels Team

    Hi jm! Thanks for sharing this question. I understand the exact time isn't totally clear so I'm happy to provide more info! Bike Angels points for both Divvy and Citi Bike refresh from the top of the hour, every 15 minutes (for example, at 1:00 PM, 1:15 PM, 1:30 PM, and again at 1:45 PM).  Points are locked-in at stations when you unlock a bike for the duration of your ride, so that points at your destination won’t disappear while you’re riding. Our Help Center for Divvy and Citi Bike have this information available at the bottom of the linked pages underneath the header, "A few more tips on earning points."

  • jm's avatar
    Hustlin' Helper

    If anyone cares...

    It was bike 806-771 dropping 12.10 PM from 18 E Monroe to Walbsh Ave & Adams St station.


    The preceding eBike dropped at 12.07 was



    The Lyft message with waved fees was 12.10 (photo)



    Jenniferrp, thank you for participating in this forum. We appreciate the communication.




    • jenniferrp's avatar
      Bike Angels Team

      Hey jm ! Thanks for welcoming me! I'm very excited to get to know our Angels more and aid in helping it become the best it can be for everyone. 


      That being said, I'm sorry to hear about the unexpected account issue from the other day and those missing points. Generally, you'd want to contact support through the Bike Angels article in the Help tab of the app, but we flagged this ride with our support team.

  • jm's avatar
    Hustlin' Helper


    Thank you, jenniferrp


    With that refresh time in mind, I got cheated out of 12pts.


    Sure, a small amount, but another big matter.


    Lyft insists we play by the rules, but offers tepid support when needed.


    Two eBikes, same station, 3 minutes apart, between 12.07 and 12.10, before the quarter hour refresh.


    The first eBike at 12.07 earned 12pts.

    The second eBike, 3 mins later, and dropped before the quarter hour refresh, was also poised to earn 12pts, but unbeknown to me, after docking, there was a glitch, and Lyft immediately sent me a message waving the eBike fees (photo).


    Great. Thank you. But what about the 12pts?


    The glitch was brief and immediately the station again showed 12pts.


    Lyft admitted there was a problem and later I learned the station was off line for a moment, so there isn't a Lyft record of the station's point total at that brief time of dropping, so... Lyft determined no points show be awarded.


    The fact Lyft got the eBike back, refunded the fee for the drop, and the drop-off time was before the refresh, and again returned to 12pts after the glitch before the refresh, all support the logic that errors were made by not awarding me the 12 earned points.


    Geeze Lyft, where is simple deduction and customer service. I earned the points.


    There's more...


    The next day my account was put on "Hold" without any notification. I never knew until trying to pick up a bike.


    Think of how many text messages Lyft sends out, and nothing for something as important as locking my account?


    No one could help me besides "escalating" the problem and I was locked out until the next day.


    I sent message after message and finally, without any notifications at all, or responses to my inquiries about what the heck is happening and why, the hold was removed.


    I still haven't received a reply.


    At the very least I should be credited the membership fee for the day lost.


    The thing is, we are expected to "play fair" but recently, Lyft has not been taking responsibility and compensating Angels (me anyway) for their qlitches.

