Forum Discussion

Gaffano's avatar
Resourceful Rider
2 days ago

Reason for Abandoned E-Bikes? Solutions?

I been seeing a growing number of abandoned CB E-Bikes lately while out riding. I assume the main reason is that the bike ran out of battery? If so I guess the rider did not see how much miles were left and determine if they had enough to get to their destination? I assume rider is still responsible for the cost of the bike if something happens to it before docking? Maybe CB should not allow bikes to be undocked with less than say 1 miles? Maybe put a flashing indicator on the screen when miles drop below say 2 miles? Interested in ideas. I hate seeing a growing number of abandoned bikes bc it just means CB costs will go up for all of us.

  • BananaBlack's avatar
    Resourceful Rider

    It's because they're nearly impossible to push or ride once the power runs out. It's like the motor is working against you. If it worked like a classic bike when the power ran out, albeit a heavy one, then I'm sure more people would be willing to return them. Also, I imagine when people do abandoned them they call it in as to avoid the $2,000 fee.