Forum Discussion

DanMan's avatar
Steady Solver
10 months ago

System worse than ever

I just had my bonus stolen for the third time in a little over a week, as well as the points I earned for the ride.  The phone line is beyond useless, they’ve hung up on me the last several times I’ve called. Apparently the whole system is out again.  This SUCKS!

  • Jess's avatar
    Bike Angels Team

    Hi there, DanMan, thank you for coming to the community to share your experience. I'm sorry this happened, and I want to look into this ride more deeply. Can you share the time of the ride in question, so I can be sure I'm looking at the right ride? 

    • DanMan's avatar
      Steady Solver

      Thanks, Jess, it was my final ride yesterday.

      • Jess's avatar
        Bike Angels Team

        Following up on this, as we didn't find anything in our initial investigation that would indicate that the ride in question was point earning. Sometimes when this happens, it's because the ride is being started near the 15-min mark, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Can you share some more details about what happened?