Forum Discussion

zamansky's avatar
Resourceful Rider
2 years ago

I was switched back from the new point system to old and it screwed my rewards

I've been on the new points / rewards system for a few weeks and have accumulated 460 points for the month.


This morning, they switched me back to the old system but didn't award any of the rewards I should have gotten. What's worse, when I do cross the 10 point thresholds, I'm getting lyft credit and not the $$$ I should be getting.


I tried reinstalling the app.


Since this is a community forum I'm guessing nobody will have a solution but wanted to share anyway so that you know that if you're in the new point system group right now, they could screw you out of a bunch of rewards like they just did to me.


  • Editing to clarify that no points were lost while this issue was happening, and Angels should find their point totals are as expected. 


    Following up to report the Bike Angels Team pinpointed the root cause issue and implemented a fix. Anyone who saw their BA profile revert back to the old program, should now see it has returned to the new profile. 


    If you don't see the change back, close and restart your app. 


    Big thanks to zamansky for posting this topic and flagging this bug! 🐛

  • Ask's avatar
    Resourceful Rider

    Same thing happened to me. I assume that it is a temporary glitch?

    • Jess's avatar
      Bike Angels Team

      Ask Your profile should be back to normal now! 😊

  • Jess's avatar
    Bike Angels Team

    Hello, zamansky & Ask, thank you for visiting the community to ask about the changes you're seeing in your app. I understand you were already switched to the new program format when you noticed your app experience switched back to the old format. 


    I'm working directly with the Bike Angels Team to investigate this. Thank you for your report. 👼 I'll follow up here with updates. 

    • Jess's avatar
      Bike Angels Team

      Editing to clarify that no points were lost while this issue was happening, and Angels should find their point totals are as expected. 


      Following up to report the Bike Angels Team pinpointed the root cause issue and implemented a fix. Anyone who saw their BA profile revert back to the old program, should now see it has returned to the new profile. 


      If you don't see the change back, close and restart your app. 


      Big thanks to zamansky for posting this topic and flagging this bug! 🐛