Forum Discussion

bwitt's avatar
Steady Solver
2 years ago

have ride streak extensions extend the streak rather than reset the clock

I've recently started riding with Bay Wheels and I notice it takes 4 positive rides to keep the streak going.  But after the 4th ride, the clock starts over from that point, having the streak end 24 hours after that time (unless you complete another 4 positive rides).  It would be much better if completing that 4th ride added 24 hours to the time remaining for the streak!  

  • bwitt's avatar
    Steady Solver

    I hope that's clear; this is actively discouraging me from taking rides that would be positive since it would reset the streak timer to expire at an inopportune time the next day; I'm forced to forego positive rides until later in the day, to help the timing be better for me.

    • Ilike2bike's avatar
      Hustlin' Helper

      Crystal clear. They also discourage you from taking net positive rides. For example if you move a 12 point pick up to a 3 point pickup, not only don't you get the 9 points difference, they wipe out your streak. 

      • Ilike2bike's avatar
        Hustlin' Helper

        Actually, I just realized you mentioned Bay Wheels, which is a different city, therefore I don't know if it's the same there regarding positive rides. It's actually kinda strange & confusing that they mix different cities & systems on one forum.

  • Jess's avatar
    Bike Angels Team

    Hey there, bwitt, this is a good call out! I feel you that you shouldn't lose the time you had remaining on your current Streak and will absolutely pass this feedback along to the team that works on Streaks. This makes sense to me!