Forum Discussion

WestEndAl's avatar
Steady Solver
4 years ago

Please restore...

...the ability to see Bike Angel point availability at docking stations when using the station map on your web site. At present, this information seems to be available only in the app, whereas formerly it was available on the web site as well.

  • dylex's avatar
    Resourceful Rider

    It is actually still possible to extract the angel points information from the website through the station metadata. I built a little website to expose it on the map. However, I'm hesitant to share it publicly lest they make it even harder to get, as lyft seems to be against making data accessible without proprietary apps. (I miss citibike's old open data policies.) Happy to share what I know directly somehow, though...

    • Jaylen's avatar
      Resourceful Rider

      Hey dylex! We would just like to make it known that there is a risk that this info will be inaccurate as our team focuses on Bike Angel improvements within the app, not on the website. There is a discussion around how to put Bike Angel's info on the map in the future, but there is no timeline for this. Our team is constantly looking for ways to improve our app and the info available to riders, so we appreciate you giving us this insight and feedback!

      • WestEndAl's avatar
        Steady Solver

        The fact remains that before the "improvement" to the website, the point information was available on the web-delivered map page. I'm no techie, but it seems odd that it's difficult to do something that was done before.

    • WestEndAl's avatar
      Steady Solver

      As I noted in my response to Jaylen, I'm no techie, but it'd be great to have access to the now-hidden point info. Can you give me a hint as to how to do this?

  • Leigh's avatar
    Casual Commenter

    At this time Bike Angel points are only available in the app. We always appreciate hearing what features our riders would like to see, and will make sure this feedback gets to the right team for review!

  • It's been more than a month since Citibike's reply (a "we'll look into it" boiler plate) to my request that they restore the ability to see Angel point availability on the web site, not only on the app. That condition remains unchanged. It appears that you're in o hurry to restore that useful feature. I'm wondering why we users are better off with that feature gone than we were with it available.