Forum Discussion

T1m3Wizard's avatar
Steady Solver
2 years ago

Idea for next app update.

The FAQs and participation in this community is extremely helpful, especially with the thorough answers that Jess provides on a regular basis. If the logistics and app development/engineering resources permit, I think we should consider linking this forum to the Citi Bike / Bike Angels app under it's on category in the menu. That way BAs can log in and see/do everything all in one place!


I know it's probably easier said than done but I think that would be pretty awesome. Just my 2 cents.

  • Jess's avatar
    Bike Angels Team

    Hey there, T1m3Wizard, thanks for the kind words and the idea about promoting the community in the Bike Angels profile. I love this idea! 


    Last year, we created a Bike Angels Help Article in the app, and added a link to the community for Angels that still have questions, but your idea takes that a step further. I'll forward this feedback to the Bike Angels Team. ❤️

    • RickyDee's avatar
      Steady Solver

      I like the idea of a thread for app suggestions. One thing I’d like to see is YTD (in addition to the current lifetime) “Rides, Miles, Time” stats on the profile page. And maybe make the font smaller or not-bold so the full numbers can be displayed instead of showing 29k.

      • Jess's avatar
        Bike Angels Team

        RickyDee I really like your idea of a dedicated thread for app suggestions! I'm going to discuss this a bit further with the team, but this seems like a win. 👼