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Spring Insights Blog 2023

Jess's avatar
Bike Angels Team
2 years ago

Spring Insights Blog 2023

Insights from April - June 2023


Movers & Shakers

Supermember Shout Out

T1m3Wizard  joined our community in May and has consistently been an active and helpful contributor. The tone of their responses is productive and positive—a stellar example of teamwork and problem solving! Thanks for taking the time to shine a helpful light here in the community!  


T1m3Wizard’s Stats:

  • Community Member since May 2023
  • 23 community posts
  • 26 Kudos Received
  • 4,885 Citi Bike rides
  • 5129 Lifetime Bike Angels Points


Badge Report

🥇 441 Badges Awarded in Q2 🥇


14 Members earned the Affirmative Angel 5 Badge


10 Members earned the Returning Rider 25 Badge



Community Connections

Hot Posts

👀💬 Most Views and Replies: equinox001's post about the new rewards redemption structure leaderboard has 762 views and 45 replies


👀💬 Most Kudo’d Thread: The Bike Angels Community AMA thread received the most kudos of any thread



Site Stats


Miracle Working

How the Community Improves The BA Experience


Improved Onboarding for BA Program 👶

These community posts helped create unique online help resources for specific topics like:


Uncovered Bugs 🐛

The power of the community is often found when things aren’t working as designed. The collaboration that happens here can help add context to complex issues quickly, which allows our teams to more effectively resolve bugs. Big shout out to the members below that posted in the community when things didn’t seem right. 


🪲 Ronda's post about not seeing the rewards redemption options in the app


🐞 zamansky's post about their rewards UI reverting back to the original structure

Angel Voices

You asked, We answered—Community Improvements Born From Member Feedback

  • Members can now delete posts—After a call-out from Ilike2bike, we reviewed site permissions to ensure members can delete their own posts.
  • Members can mark posts as Solved—We re-enabled member accepted solutions after discovering an update had disabled this feature.


How’s my driving?

Insights from the Site Survey


We want to hear from you! We served 1,399 this spring, and we’ve received 49 completed responses for a 3.5% completion rate. Insights from the survey are used directly to plan site improvements and content. Check out what Angels are saying below:


Site Survey Insights | Q2 2023


What was the purpose of your visit to the Bike Angels Community?



Were you able to find what you were looking for?



How would you rate your overall experience?




Published 2 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Thanks for the shoutout Jess! At first I just came here for advice and help but seeing how insightful and helpful everyone here is I decided to do my part as well and help out where I can =]. Loving this community, thanks for keeping it going and providing us with all these updates and nuggets!