Blog Post


April Cruiseletter

Jess's avatar
Bike Angels Team
2 years ago

What’s Next?🌆🚴

‘More stats in the future please!’ 

The community is thriving! Most Angels report they find what they are looking for, but we want to amp up the benefits for community members. Community feedback is crucial as we work to grow this together, as there’s no better way for us to create a valuable space than to hear from Angels what they value. 


We added monthly stats to the Cruiseletter last month, and received feedback that more stat reports are welcomed. So, we added another leaderboard this month: unique bikes moved. Check it out below! 


Be on the lookout for the Winter Insights Blog, where we’ll share metrics and details about what’s going on here in the community. 


Community Tune Up👼💪

The community doubled in size last year! With this growth, we noticed an opportunity to optimize the site experience for newcomers, and we added four new onboarding articles to help new BAC members to learn the rules of the road in the community. Check out the articles in the Getting Started section of the homepage




Wheelie Good News🛞🗞


Citi Bike Bike Angels Stats


34 New Community Members 


1,046 Site Visits


840 Angels Leveled Up


238,374 Point-Earning Rides


Longest distance point-earning ride

ET253 | 12.77 miles 


Most Point-Earning Rides in March


 Angels who visited the most unique stations in March


Angels who moved the most unique bikes in March

Note: Your Angel Code is the Initials of the name on your account + the last three digits of your phone number

Updated 2 years ago
Version 3.0
  • Octimon's avatar
    Steady Solver

    The notion that a single rider could take more than 2000 rides from more than 340 stations in one month boggles the mind!

  • ravensjazz8's avatar
    Resourceful Rider

    Jess Will there ever be an option to download the City Explorer map in PDF form within the Citibike app that show's the check boxes for every station I've visited? That would be a great thing to have displayed!

  • Jess's avatar
    Bike Angels Team

    ravensjazz8 Good idea! I don't know of any plans to add this to the City Explorers feature, but it sounds like a great idea to provide Angels with more access to this data. I'll forward this feedback to our team. 😊